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Tokyo project - Office Design

Design consultant 

2,300 sq.f. Hulic Kanda Building,

Kanda,   Tokyo 

The background of our client, it is an finanical technology solution company, provide data  and  analysis report to the world's leading supplier.


They are a non-listed company from Blackstone and commercial banking division of Goldman Sachs investment.


To expand Tokyo office in Year 2015, with the experience we - IFI design Ltd in Year 2013 , built their first office in Hong Kong, client are happy with our passion, professional , responsible , so we on the team again in Year 2015, this is our first project in Asia Pacific.




2015年, 為了擴大東京辦事處,,而我們 - IFI設計有限公司在2013年,為客人在香港興建了第一家辦事處,客戶很高興, 欣賞我們的熱情,專業,負責,所以我們在2015年再次合仍參與客人在東京的辦事處工程,這也是我們在亞太地區的第一個項目。

9 Queens Road Central, Hong Kong Office design, IFI Design Limited
9 Queens Road Central, Hong Kong Office design, IFI Design Limited
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