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Our services

IFI Design Limited has extensive experience in Grade A office interior design, with an emphasis not just on the work environment, but more importantly enhancing work productivity when designing for our clients.
The design idea of IFI is that we use advanced technology and materials to create a quality work space environment. When working with our clients, we are conscious of space management and consult in areas such as cost and design of spaces and facilities to provide company employees greater flexibility when managing their work hours.
IFI shares the objective of attending to the work and life needs of people and to maximize their efficiency to increase our clients’competitiveness in the market.

IFI 設計有限公司對於甲級寫字樓的室內設計方面,我們擁有豐富的經驗,不只是強調舒適的工作環境,但更重要的是為我們的客戶設計出間接提高工作效率的環境。
IFI 的設計理念,我們用先進的技術和材料,營造優質的工作空間環境。與客戶合作時,我們注重時間控制,管理成本, 設計的空間和設施空間管理, 為公司員工提供了更大的靈活性。
IFI 目標希望關顧到使用者的工作和生活需求,並最大限度地發揮其效率將大大提高我們的客戶在市場上的競爭力。

Hong Kong, Singapore Office design and build - IFI Design
Hong Kong, Singapore Office design and build - IFI Design
Hong Kong, Singapore Office design and build - IFI Design

Design Consultant

IFI is on good terms with many estate management companies, eg. CBRE, Jones Lang LaSalle ,  Cushman & Wakefield , Colliers International, Those estate management companies will work as the project manager and IFI Design concentrate on design and construction work for its clients.

Service recommended for projects approximating 20,000 sq ft.

IFI 是許多物業管理公司,有良好的關係。CBRE, Jones Lang LaSalle ,  Cushman & Wakefield , Colliers International,這些物業管理公司將作為項目經理,IFI 則關注客戶設計和 施工工作

項目建議 服務約20,000平方呎的辦公室.

Design & Build

Armed with a complete network of draftsman, contractors and all kinds of suppliers, IFI stands ready to work with either customer-appointed contractor/supplier or make recommendations to the customer. With IFI at the helm leading a team of professionals, it will expedite project execution while eliminating unnecessary coordination work from clients’ side.

Service recommended for projects 15,000 sq ft or less.

IFI 與各大小承包商和供應商有一個完整的網絡,隨時準備工作,無論是客戶指定的承辦商 / 供應商或 由我們提出建議。 IFI Design 帶領的專業團隊,將加快執行項目,同時從客戶端消除不必要的協調工作。


Interior Designer
Outsourcing Service

Project in Hong Kong.

Many large corporations may have their own contractors, but any remodeling work, however small requires alternative layout designs and contractor supervision. IFI’s interior designer outsourcing service can help customers save significant overheads.

Project in Asia pac

Representing the clients and in their best interest, we can supervise project in oversea and report duly to clients via web-based video conference, regular meeting minutes and site photos, in the most cost effective and least time consuming manner to reduce travelling cost from any party,  while yet providing timely professional advices  on all aspects of design and construction.


許多大企業可能有自己的承辦商,但任何改造工作,無論多小,也需要設計師提出佈局設計和監督承包商。 IFI 的室內設計師外判服務可以幫助客戶節省大量的間接成本。


代表客戶和他們的最佳利益,我們可以監督海外項目, 通過視頻會議報告客戶,記下定期會議紀錄和現場照片。在各方面的設計和施工,同時還提供及時的專業意見, 這是最具成本效益和最省時的方式,以便減少客戶工幹外出的成本。

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