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Oxford House, Hong Kong - Office Design

Design & build

6,200 sq.f.   Oxford House, Quarry Bay, HK.

A medical product company relocate their office from Admiralty to Quarry Bay.


Project completed in June 2013.

WIthin a very short period of time, 3 weeks for design the layout and landlord submission drawing, 1 month for construction.

Since we modify the 'as is' office , so we need to do a inventory list , and study the site 3 weeks before commence on site.


There are some new ordered furniture, carpet, AV equipment, which takes 6-8 weeks for production and delivery; so we can only take one week to confirm the layout with client , and then place order for long lead item at once, which means 2 weeks before the construction, at last everything come to the site on time.


Again a successful project, on time, within budget , client happy.


Oxford House, Hong Kong Office design, IFI Design Limited
Oxford House, Hong Kong Office design, IFI Design Limited
Oxford House, Hong Kong Office design, IFI Design Limited
Oxford House, Hong Kong Office design, IFI Design Limited

Top Right: Room Signage - change-able name tag, can be done by client.
房名牌- 客戶可以自行列印, 更改, 十分方便.

Bottom Right: Room Signage - there is a silver color sticker at the back side of the room signage.
房名牌, 在貼名牌前, 我們先貼上銀色的貼紙, 再貼上名牌.

Top Left 1 & 2: Reception, with 'marble pattern' carpet tiles ( Brand : Interface) , looks grand, clean and modern.
接待處使用 Interface, 雲石紋的 方塊地毯, 感覺高雅, 時尚.

Top right: Beautiful detail.
(** It is safe, the edge of the tempered glass is sanded, and not sharp.
(** 這是安全的, 因為這件強化玻璃的銳角, 都已經被磨鈍了.)

Oxford House, Hong Kong Office design, IFI Design Limited
Oxford House, Hong Kong Office design, IFI Design Limited
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