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The Center, Hong Kong - Office Design

Design & build

2,600 sq.f.   The Center, Central, HK.

A software company , owned by KKR, set up their Hong Kong office in 2nd Quarter 2013.

40 pax, with server room, meeting room and reception.

It was completed within 4 weeks.

Long lead item - furniture, to be ordered , and site measurement to be taken 4 weeks in advance.

The Center, Hong Kong Office design, IFI Design Limited
The Center, Hong Kong Office design, IFI Design Limited
The Center, Hong Kong Office design, IFI Design Limited
The Center, Hong Kong Office design, IFI Design Limited
The Center, Hong Kong Office design, IFI Design Limited

Ceiling in client area paint in a very dark blue emulsion paint, and corporate color- light blue on wall, would generate a contemporary feeling, which is the idea of making a modern art gallery , and sure there will be some modern art paint, although this is a software company, classy feeling would bring a good image for the company.



The Center, Hong Kong Office design, IFI Design Limited

Top: Server room,  with only 1-2 rack in a room, an exhaust fan , a door with louver is good enough for ventilation.

上: 電腦機房,在一個房間裡,只有1-2個機架,只需排氣風扇,和百葉門已足夠處理通風的問題。

Right: Air-conditioning in The Center is underfloor type unit, it need to be arranged in open area , such as corridor, not under workstation, so staff will not feel chill because of the air-con from floor.

右: 中環中心的冷氣是安裝在地下的,它需要被安排在開闊的地方, 而不是在工作間下面,如走廊,所以同事們不會因為從地面吹上來的冷氣而感到寒意。

The Center, Hong Kong Office design, IFI Design Limited
The Center, Hong Kong Office design, IFI Design Limited
The Center, Hong Kong Office design, IFI Design Limited
The Center, Hong Kong Office design, IFI Design Limited
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