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One Exchange Square, Hong Kong - Office Design

Design Consultant

13,500 sq.f.   One Exchange Square, Central, Hong Kong.

High requirement on acoustic performance to every meeting rooms, enclosed office;

Chinese design element to be appled to client area;

Construction drawing was prepared within 2 months, construction on very weekend and public holidays, entire project duration 5 months.

Project Management by DTZ

Construction by Li Ling Construction Engineering Co. Ltd. 

One Exchange Square, Hong Kong Office design, IFI Design Limited
One Exchange Square, Hong Kong Office design, IFI Design Limited

Up: Spacious reception to welcome client, and for placing glamorous artwork.

上: 寬敞的接待處, 除了迎接客人, 還作為擺放高貴藝術品的地方.

Left 1: Wooden Chinese screen in between reception and waiting area.
左一: 一個木造的中式屏風, 把接待處和等候間區分起來.

One Exchange Square, Hong Kong Office design, IFI Design Limited
One Exchange Square, Hong Kong Office design, IFI Design Limited
One Exchange Square, Hong Kong Office design, IFI Design Limited

Up: A wooden chinese screen become a cover for 2 LCD TV.
上圖: 一個木製的中式屏幕成為液晶電視的櫃門.

Left 1 : Chinese screen as decor to cabinet doors.

左一: 中式屏風作為每個櫃門的裝飾.

Left 2 : Heavy duty conceal door hinge, door seal and marble as threshold to each acoustic door, to achieve STC 55 level

Bottom: A operable wall installed in between 2 Training room, which can divided into 2 rooms or combine 2 rooms to 1 big room.
下: 一套活動牆安裝在2間培訓室之間,可把它分為2間房間,或結合2間會議室為1間大會議室。

One Exchange Square, Hong Kong Office design, IFI Design Limited
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